Random Tidbits

Eating Lemons

That’s right, I just slice, cut the peel off, and eat. I do however, swallow it down with some water. You will feel energized and awake courtesy of the extreme sour blast, but also because it’s a shot of vitamin C which, helps with mood in my opinion.

Our liver is one of if not the most important fat burning organ in the body. Research has shown that devouring lemons  (drinking lemon juice is good too but I prefer the whole fruit) helps increase citrate levels in our urine which allows both our liver and kidneys to flush out toxins and clean the blood. We must help keep our liver functioning at a high level. In addition, there are many other health benefits of eating lemons

Phenibut and GABA/Arginine combo

Phenibut is an over the counter nootropic compound which helps with anxiety, insomnia, and relaxation. I get mine here. It must be taken responsibly, and your physician must be consulted with prior to taking, especially if you’re on any medication. I only take 300 mg (one capsule) as needed.

Another good, over the counter supplement is GABA. It can be found in most health & nutrition stores. It works by increasing your brains natural GABA receptors which then calms the central nervous system. The problem, however, is that when taken alone, a GABA supplement does not cross the blood-brain barrier. Several years ago, I read that if you accompany an Arginine supplement along with the GABA it will “push” the GABA through the blood-brain barrier. It makes sense because arginine works by increasing nitric oxide levels in the body. I have personally tried this combination and it works very well. I would not recommend combining phenibut and GABA. Just try them each on their own if you’re struggling.


Knee problems?                   

I see men especially in the gym who absolutely never work their hamstring & glutes. I used to be one of them. I have had a devastating knee injury in the past and there are many things I regret, one being that I would have put much more emphasis on working my hamstring and glute muscles in the gym. I first injured my knee over 20 years ago, and over time it became worse until it finally went out. Before, In the gym, I would do minimal hamstring exercises and wouldn’t bother training my glutes. I was ignorant and felt like my lower body was plenty big & strong enough. What a terrible mistake. Over the last several years I have put great emphasis on hams & glutes and have noticed not only are those muscles stronger now, but I can feel my legs are more balanced and there is less pressure on my knees when I walk.

Here is a video I found on YouTube demonstrating some hamstring exercises.


September is National Suicide Prevention & Awareness month. If you or someone you know is in crisis please click here for help. Don’t give up the fight.

3 thoughts on “Random Tidbits”

  1. Whole Lemons? Really? I can hardly stand drinking lemon water without a sweetener. I’ll try it though. Makes sense about the knee though. If think about it, if the hamstring muscle is strong, it will kind of pull back and take pressure off of the knee. Hey I can’t afford a gym membership, any ideas on how I can exercise at home or at the park? Thanks & good luck

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