Sexy Shoulders made…from hard work!

I enjoy working my shoulders in the gym, and with my years of experience, I consider myself to be somewhat of an authority on the matter of shoulder development. I am going to show you my complete shoulder routine. Over many years I have assayed various movements, sequences, and rep-ranges, and have become adept at adding muscle tissue to the deltoids and trapezius muscles. There’s definitely an art to developing good, muscular, defined shoulders.



I am a strong believer in performing stretching type movements prior to compound-pressing movements, especially when it comes to shoulders. My thought process is that by performing lateral raises before shoulder presses helps stretch the muscle fibers, and then when you perform the pressing movements, the muscle belly expands more, helping to add that tissue.

This shoulder routine is intense and includes plenty of sets. All you need are dumbbells, an adjustable bench, a curl bar. It may not be for everyone, but combined with the proper nutrition and post workout supplementation, it will produce results.





Select two light dumbbells with which you can perform at least 20 repetitions with and begin by performing 20 reps each of standing side lateral raises. Then immediately bend forward at the waist for 20 rear-deltoid raises, followed by front raises.


Exercise 1

Rear Delt Raises 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions  Demo- 

Adjust a bench to 30 degrees (sometimes I go down to 15 degrees) and lie with your front resting on the bench. You can either straddle the bench or rest your knees on the seat area. Choose a weight that will induce failure between 10-15 repetitions. Raise your arms outward and think about keeping your wrists in line with your ears.


Exercise 2

Side Lateral Raises Just 2 sets  (You’ll see why later) of 10-15 repetitions  Demo

Perform these either standing or seated


Exercise 3

Front Raises super-set with Upright Rows 3 cycles of super-set  Demo


*I advocate for using a little bit lighter of a weight on front raises and really focus on the eccentric (negative) part of the repetition.

Perform 1 set of Front Raises and go immediately to upright rows (with a curl bar) for 12 reps. Repeat 2 more cycles.


Exercise 4

Seated Shoulder Press

Either dumbbell or Smith-Machine seated shoulder press 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions   Demo

Increase the weight each set


Exercise 5

Seated Shoulder Press super-set with Side Lateral Raises At least 2 sets, if you can do more that’s great but I wouldn’t exceed 4 because there is still more!

Stay where you were while performing the Seated Shoulder Press and grab a set of dumbbells (not too heavy)

Perform a set of presses then immediately grab the dumbbells and do as many side laterals as you can. Repeat 1-4 cycles.


Exercise 6

Dumbbell shrugs

2-3 sets of a weight that you can do no more than 15 repetitions with.


*I personally use dumbbells exclusively for Shoulder Shrugs. However you can absolutely use a barbell or Smith-Machine


Optional Final Exercise

If your gym has a side lateral shoulder machine, try and perform a few sets using one arm at time. I like to really focus on my “mind-muscle” connection and finish off with this movement.



Email or reach out via the contact form on this site if you or someone you know needs help with a fitness routine. 



2 thoughts on “Sexy Shoulders made…from hard work!”

  1. That’s a lot of volume dude…and why not press first? I don’t know, but I’ve seen you other programs on here and they seem kind of whack if u want my honest opinion. Lol. I don’t know man, I guess I can try this routine. Hey, quick question, what is your opinion on smoking weed before a workout? Or what is your opinion on weed in general? Peace bro

    1. Nothing wrong with performing compound (pressing) movements prior to the isolation exercises. This just offers a variation. It’s always good to change up the routines. As for using marijuana prior to exercising, I would personally never do that. My opinion? Marijuana definitely has some therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions, but I’m honestly not sure if or how it may benefit someone who is trying to add lean muscle tissue. Thank you for commenting.

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